Using the framework of Ubisolis an AlpHouse web tool for the pilot village Kuchl has been implemented which offers an on the fly analysis for a chosen site providing results for a number of use cases such as:
energy balancing
building simulations
daylighting concepts
design of solar thermal and photovoltaic appliances
support for the calculation of energy certificates.
The results vary from horizontal shadowing images/graphics to text files on insolation distributions and offers also specific outputs for common software products used for the mentioned use cases.
AlpBC et AlpHouse sont des projets de l’Union Européenne (EU), en coopération avec la Communauté de Travail des Pays Alpin (ArgeAlp), piloté par la Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat de Munich et de la Haute Bavière. (HWK)