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AlpHouse - Salzburg Results


The results of AlpHouse, which were achieved in the region of Salzburg during the last 3 years through the joint efforts of Bauakademie Lehrbauhof Salzburg and Research Studio iSPACE, are now available as a compact brochure, which can be downloaded as PDF.


In it you can find information on education modules, potential use of geoinformation for refurbishment planning and general information on the project AlpHouse.


If you are interested to get print copies of the brochure, please send a request to:


Brochure: AlpHouse Focus Salzburg (german language only)

AlpHouse © 2010 - 2024 AlpBC et AlpHouse sont des projets de l’Union Européenne (EU), en coopération avec la Communauté de Travail des Pays Alpin (ArgeAlp), piloté par la Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat de Munich et de la Haute Bavière. (HWK)

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